Students address the negative drawbacks of having a social media presence

Often times breakups happen between two people when there’s a miscommunication, or something along the way gets lost in translation.
This breakup trend is happening with more than just people; many young people are starting to breakup with social media accounts, as it can become an unhealthy addiction that can lead to antisocial tendencies among teens.
Over the last decade, the love for social media has grown at an astonishing rate.
According to a survey conducted by Statista, 81 percent of the U.S. population had one single social media profile. This means that over 1.96 billion people are consumed and entertained by public networks almost everyday.
The leading social network is Facebook, and shortly behind it, includes YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter.
There has been a recent decline in the use of Facebook amongst teens, yet remains the most common platform for showcasing opinions and photos.
It is proven that public networking leads to anxiety, depression, and other mental issues, as well as, decreasing productivity and destroying the social interactions between individuals.
“It affects me negatively, since sometimes I overuse it over long periods of time when I should be doing other productive things,” senior Kyle Almeida said.
In fact, according to The Telegraph, the average person spends an average of one hour and forty minutes browsing on these networks each day.
If one were to calculate this amount of time spent in one year, it would be around eighty seven hours each year spent scrolling on a never ending feed.
Therefore, some individuals feel the need to detach from the unlimited network of media that they are consumed within everyday.
“I took a break from social media when I did online school, and I noticed that I am more positive, and it actually helped me with a lot of things,” sophomore Hope Emerson said.
There are different stages and levels to breaking off the relationship between an individual and their media.
To begin, one may simply restrict the amount of time that they spend on their phone, especially when surrounded by other people. This may include logging out of a certain profile for an undetermined amount of time, or completely deleting the app to resist any temptation.
“A small break won’t change anything, I think that it needs to be personally moderated over time,” Junior Nick Peitz said.

Riley Walkington is a senior and it is her second year on staff. Here are some fun facts about Riley.
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