Freshman Joseph Warner brings a furry trend to SHS


Claire Keener

Warner poses with his cat ears.

Sandpoint High students walk the halls wearing clothing of their choice, some are wacky and out there and some are simple and safe. One fashion in particular stands out in the halls and in the classrooms is students wearing ears and tails as an everyday style. This particular style is most commonly known as “furry” and although it is no very common at SHS, the Furry Fandom has quite a following.

Freshman Joseph Warner is one of these students that likes to wear this style. You probably have seen him walking in the halls wearing cat ears and a tail, and to him this is a fairly new look.

“I mean I guess I’ve always been that way, but recently I’ve been able to obtain the items I could to dress the way I wanted to.” Warner said.

A big part about the furry fandom is being able to be accepted and express yourself freely, which is one reason why people are so intrigued by it. For the people participating in dressing in this particular way, it is a way to physically show and express who they are. Just like how people choose to wear unique socks to fit their personality, Warner’s style is an extension of who he is.

“Since we live in America we have the freedom to express ourselves. I don’t care what other people think and I’m gonna dress the way that I want to dress,” he concluded.

Sticking with a style that you like is important, but it can be harder for some than others. Although it is just another type of style, people can be judgemental when it comes to others who dress different from them.

It is important to be confident with yourself and what you wear, especially if it represents who you are. Warner shows that he doesn’t care what others think, because he enjoys the way he chooses to dress.

I don’t care what kind of torment comes with it, I just want to be me,” he said.