Students express the stressful feelings connected to Christmas shopping seson
Everyone knows that Christmas is one of the busiest, most cheerful time of the year, however, working during the holidays can often be the polar opposite. The craziness of the holidays can put a damper on the mood of employees, especially students who are spending their break working, rather than spending time with their family and friends during their time off.
Junior Ally Corbridge works at Shoga, and explains the drawbacks and pros of working during the most wonderful time of the year, as it brings in more customers, but it does not give her a ton of time to relax and hang out with her family.
“It’s busier than normal, but sometimes it’s fun because you get paid more,” said Corbridge, “normally during the holidays there are larger parties of people and it gets more crazy.”
Senior Hannah Hurst works at Carousel Emporium and has a different outlook on the Christmas season, as she loves the joy and experiences Christmas brings into the shopping community. In addition, Hurst likes to share her Christmas joy with the rest of community and help find the perfect gifts for family or friends. and the routine gives her the perfect balance of working and hanging with her family.
“Working the holidays is fun. I get to decorate the store and bring out holiday merchandise, and working during this time gives me a little bit of a routine which is nice. I am always happy about Christmas, therefore working around the holidays does not really make a difference,” Hurst concluded.
Although working during Christmas break rids students of their time away from school, and it can also help them get out into the community and share the Christmas spirit with people they meet.

Riley Walkington is a senior and it is her second year on staff. Here are some fun facts about Riley.
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