Sam Jackson brings new meaning to self-confidence


Senior Sam Jackson challenges style stereotypes on a daily basis by incorporating meaning into his everyday fashion.

“For me, it’s definitely an expression of self and it could be somewhat abstract in how you’re expressing yourself whether it’s straightforward like you’re wearing the logo of something you enjoy or if you’re wearing a design that you like, it’s still an expression of yourself no matter how you’re doing it,” Jackson said.

You may have noticed Jackson’s collection of graphic hats and t-shirts which definitely catch the eye and may even spark up an engaging conversation.

The Sandpoint senior has been collecting hats for the past year and shared that certain hats have specific meanings attached to them.

“I think my corgi hat is my favorite, it’s kind of a classic, I get a lot of compliments on it. It’s a conversation starter really. My dog is a corgi so that’s another layer of meaning, that’s why I got it,” Jackson said.

Jackson’s inspiration comes not only from the world of social media but mainly from what he sees others around him wearing.

“A little of it is from the internet, I look at street wear forums and stuff like that but a lot of it is just what I see on other people or what I see in a store that I just enjoy the look of or what I think would look good on me, it’s kind of just a personal thing, like I guess all style is,” says Jackson.

Most of his hats are band affiliated and manufactured by the same company, giving Sam’s style a consistent, signature look.

“I’ll have like the graphic, or I’ll have something on a hat or what have you, but the majority is simple and clean is what I try to go for,” Jackson explains.

When it comes to feeling good about your appearance and the clothes you wear, Jackson feels confident in how he presents himself on a daily basis.

He encourages others not to focus on the expectations of peers when it comes to style, but to focus on what makes you happy.

“I find that style is a big place where I get confidence and I don’t want other people dictating what I would wear so I would say it’s your clothing, you make the choices,” Jackson said.