Junior Kelda Rial practices and perfects her passion for creativity in AP art


What is it about art that you like the most? 

“I like that it’s kind of an escape from the school day and it’s a nice break to get into your own head and be creative and express yourself.”

What is your favorite piece you have ever made and why?

“A portrait of a face with a barcode on the cheek because it represented human trafficking and that was a really important subject to me for human rights week.”

What is your favorite medium or thing to draw?

“I love portraits of people, and I like doing them in acrylic paint.”

What is your biggest inspiration for art?

“Mary Johnson has inspired me a lot, she was a senior two years ago and her art is just really amazing. Also Kelly Price, she’s a local artist who does a bunch of silk paintings and I really like her stuff. “

What is the most important skill you have learned in high school art classes?

“How to be patient with yourself and if you mess up it’s okay to try again and that you don’t always have to be the best in the class. If you’re happy with yourself  than that’s really all that matters.”

How long have you been in art?

“My whole life.”