Freshman Sofia Kriz has an impressive course load for her grade level.

Lauren Sfeir

More stories from Lauren Sfeir

PROM 2017
April 26, 2017

Sofia KrizLauren Sfeir

Like most freshmen, Sofia Kriz is still finding her way in transitioning to high school; however, what sets Kriz apart is her intense schedule.
Kriz is currently enrolled in courses such as Pre-AP Biology, Honors Chemistry, Honors Physics, and AP Calculus.
“I started ahead and so in first grade I was doing third and fourth grade math,” Kriz said.
She credits this advancement to a program called Education Program for Gifted Youth (EPGY) that allowed her to get a head start. EPGY is a research project at Stanford University dedicated to privately providing students of high ability with computer-based multimedia courses in Mathematics, Physics, English, Computer Programming, and other courses.
Kriz also lived in Singapore until fifth grade, where she often found herself staying up late to finish her homework. This great work ethic has played into Kriz’s journey through tough courses.
Next year, Kriz plans on taking online courses such as Linear Algebra and Calculus BC through the Center for Talented Youth (CTY). CTY is a gifted education program for school-age children at the Johns Hopkins University that identifies academically talented youth and provides learning opportunities.

Although she will be taking online classes, Kriz hopes to continue taking her electives at Sandpoint High until senior year.
As for after high school, Kriz is still uncertain of what career she wants to pursue but has quite a while left before that decision is upon her.