Spreading Positivity–Not Covid
An anonymous positivity page for Sandpoint High School students launches.
A new positivity Instagram account is ran by an anonymous creator.
With a pandemic going on and many new changes coming to people’s lives it can lead to only focus on the negative aspects of the world. Someone decided to step up and help combat this issue through a new Instagram account that has started up recently which spreads positivity among Sandpoint High School students.
The accounts tag is @Sandpoint_Positivity with around 286 followers. The page is dedicated to the students at the high school. There are many posts about uplifting songs, cute videos, appreciation posts, and overall positive content. A lot of people have started talking about this account and why it was created.
The individual who started the account said, “I wanted to start this account because I was going through a really hard time” the creator shared how they felt like they needed somewhere to turn when they wanted to share their emotions. “instead of complaining and wishing, I made that place.”
This Instagram account has used giveaways and polls as a way to get students involved with the account. Through this, the creator is able to talk to and meet a lot more people. The page has become a safe space for the students who interact with it and has helped several students connect and encourage each other in a positive way.
‘’I really am deepening my understanding of my love for helping people.” The creator said. “It shows and reminds me that even the happiest of people have rough times and that’s okay.” Keeping their account anonymous is important to the creator so they can build a judgment-free community “I feel like people feel less judged when there’s a place that’s made specifically for venting and to go to when you need a boost,” they said, “I feel like if I attached a face or person to that, it wouldn’t feel like such a community.’’
Personally, as a high school student, it is relieving to know there is an outlet I can turn to talk about and about my feelings and thoughts without feeling judged. I know many of my friends also feel this way and it’s very reassuring that others are using this account to help them. It’s very important, now more than ever, to see people come together. Hopefully, this account continues to gain popularity, spread daily encouragement, and help people see the good in hard situations.

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