While stress varies from person to person, students have a fair amount to worry about.

Students in high school usually have eight classes each with homework ranging from half an hour to several hours each night.

While upperclassmen might have late arrival or early release, that is a small reduction to their stress levels as they have scholarships, SAT’s, and college applications to attend to in addition to their normal amount of school work.

Often students have afterschool jobs and in some students cases a job is non negotiable as they are needing to support themselves or help their families.

A teacher’s job is at the school and while it comes with a host of work and balancing, as all jobs do, I think adults often forget the balancing act that students often have to go through.

In addition to jobs or school, teenagers need to spend time with their friends and family, as this helps them grow and develop as a human being, and have extracurricular activities as this helps them figure out what they potentially want to do after high school.

Add necessary volunteering as a build up for your college resume, church, or sport activities that often take up a large chunk of the students time. Children who have more responsibilities feel pressured or that they have more they “must do” than they have time to.

I greatly respect the amount of time and effort that all teachers put into their jobs. Not everyone is cut out to teach, but students’ stress levels are much higher than is healthy for us.