Homework is a part of school no matter what, but there comes a point where it is unnecessary and counterproductive.

If students go to school for seven hours and have two plus hours of homework once they get home, many kids will feel unmotivated to keep working on their schoolwork.

Excessive amounts of homework can have a negative effect on students and does not help improve their grades.

Researchers at Stanford University have found that spending too much time on homework meant students weren’t meeting their developmental needs and not acquiring critical life skills.

This means that they would forget activities, stop seeing friends or family, and not participate in hobbies.

Yes, there should be some time spent on homework for classes such as math, where people practice by doing multiple problems, but when eight different teachers assign homework each day, it eventually builds up and makes students stressed and unmotivated.

Unnecessary homework is not needed in a student’s life. Students need to be able to use the time spent on homework with their friends, family, or other activities.