Summer Highlights
Sandpoint High School students share their favorite experiences from summer 2020.
The summer of 2020 was unlike most summers, yet it is a summer we will all remember. Due to Covid-19 Sandpoint High School students were more restricted from the freedom summer usually brings them. However, students were still able to go out and explore the outdoors.
This summer, the outdoors was a great place to forget about the drastic pandemic that had taken over our world, and feel normal again.
Klien Fragoso
Several students shared their best summer experiences, like Freshman Klien Fragoso. Fragoso went on a whitewater rafting trip on the Middle Fork of the Salmon river with his 8th grade Waldorf class.
He explained that his favorite part of the trip included “running around camp, climbing hills, playing kick ball, and eating the food which was amazing”. Fragoso’s summer experience is a great example of getting outside, taking a step away from our chaotic world, and just having fun.

Kimberly Yarnell
Another student who still enjoyed summer with her family, even through a pandemic, is Sophomore Kimberly Yarnell.
This summer Yarnell kept the tradition of going to her family’s beach house in Port Angeles, Washington alive despite the restrictions that covid created. Yarnell stated that her and her family enjoyed “watching sunsets on the beach, going for walks, painting rocks, and swimming”.
These relaxing activities were a perfect way for the Yarnell family to disconnect and enjoy their summer vacation.

Lukas Wolf
Junior Lukas Wolf shared that the highlight of his summer was attending a concert at Camp Ouzel on the Smith River with his family.
“Since my family is friends with the hosts of the concert, I arrived early to help build/set up the stage, seating and dining area, and the kitchen,” Wolf said.
After the concert Wolf said he also enjoyed being able to “swim, kayak, and stand up paddle board in the crystal clear water, for four days.” Wolf’s summer adventure shows what a great time he had with his family by getting away and taking a great opportunity to gain composure away from the stresses of Covid-19.

Olivia Lynch
Senior Olivia Lynch also took advantage of enjoying the great outdoors with family and friends.
“We floated the Lower Main Salmon river in early August, which happened to end on my birthday.” Lynch said “It was a really cool way to spend my 17th!”
The Lynch family, however, encountered some complications during their vacation.
“My dad actually broke his back on our trip down the Middle Fork in late June,” she said, “so I manned our 15 foot raft on the whole Lower Salmon.”
Lynch explained that it had been the first time she had successfully rowed the full length of a river on her own. “It was super exciting, and I learned so much.”

All in all, the summer of 2020 was a summer remembered due to the weird time Covid-19 brought, but also because it was a great time to unplug, and enjoy the magic that the outdoors has to offer.
SHS students got out and enjoyed the magic outdoors by whitewater rafting, visiting family, going to concerts, and much more. The time allowed them to capture the essence of enjoying simpler times away from Covid-19.

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