Memorial Field will be partially ready for graduation on June 9. While heavy snowfall and late frosts have put the War Memorial Field rebuild project about a month behind its original schedule, the stadium will be complete enough to host the class of 2017’s graduation ceremony on June 9.

“We will have the stadium structure itself built and all the seats will be in, but we will not be finished with the gateway coming in and all the locker rooms and restrooms underneath,” Sandpoint City Administrator Jennifer Stapleton said.

“It’s ultimately up to the school district to decide where graduation will be held, but that’s what we can do within the timeframe.”

Principal Tom Albertson is set on Memorial Field as the location for the graduation ceremony.

“This class deserves to graduate there,” Albertson said. “We’ve decided that’s what is best for the students and community.”

Other decisions, such as what the turf will be, are still under consideration.

The city is proposing an artificial turf made of cork. Cork is a natural substance and tends to be cooler than a rubber turf alternative.

Three different surface options have been proposed. One is all artificial, the other all natural, and the third is a hybrid.

“I think the greatest advantage with the artificial is that it’s playable every day of the year,” Stapleton said. “As long as you remove the snow you could be playing there on new year’s day if you wanted to.”

Stapleton states that no matter what the decision is, the surface will be safer, drain better, and be more usable throughout the year.

The city has held one community meeting about the decision and will have another on May 11 at 5:30 in the city council chambers.

The city will be taking input for the next three to four months, and Stapleton emphasized a desire to hear from the youth in the community.

“It would be really great for some of the youth to come out for that too and hear what some of the options are. You can see and feel the turf that they’re proposing,” Stapleton said.