Despite losing the first-ever Battle for the Paddle, Sandpoint is satisfied
The crowd shouts and screams as the decibel reading is taken before the start of the fourth quarter during the boy’s basketball game.
In the inaugural Battle for the Paddle, there were times of triumph and tribulation for both Lakeland and Sandpoint.
The Bulldogs’ night started off without a hitch, as the girls’ basketball team dominated Lakeland, but then it experienced heartbreak after Lakeland sunk a last-second desperation shot. After it was all said and done, however, both sides were satisfied with the competition.
“I think that we had not as much time to get prepared as we thought we would because of the snow days, so leading up to it, I wouldn’t think that it would go smoothly, but it actually went pretty well,” junior class president Abby Johnson said.
Adding to the new competition was the closer school size. The larger size of Lakeland also meant a higher level of competition in athletic events. In Moose Madness, Sandpoint had won the vast majority of the basketball games and wrestling matches against Bonners Ferry. Lakeland gave the Bulldogs a much better adversary, and they won two of the three athletic events. The similarity in school size also upped the effort put forth by Sandpoint.
“I think it’s upped the competition so that the student body is more committed to the competition,” Johnson said.
While many things went well in the Battle for the Paddle, there were some issues, with it being the first-ever competition.
“Our boat race, we had specific rules that we thought were clarified with Lakeland, but they went ahead and did different things to build their boat that weren’t supposed to happen, so it was kind of an unfair competition,” Johnson said.
Despite the issues, Battle for the Paddle was an enjoyable experience for those who attended.
“…I am incredibly proud of our Student Leadership, athletes, spirited crowd, and performers.” Sandpoint Student Council advisor Kristin Hawkins said. “I am looking forward to seeing Sandpoint win next time.”

Sam Hendricks is a senior and it is his second year on staff. He is a sports editor.