A couple bulldogs swear in











One of the oldest and most respectable career to be a part of is the services. From the army fighting on the ground, to the air forces providing air support and everything in between there are multiple options for an individual to choose from.

Even with the wars going on overseas in Iraq and Afghanistan both James Wolf and Alexander Silbernagel are both joining the armed forces upon completing graduation in June.

Wolf has already attended MEMPS (Military Entrance Processing Station) and is planning on joining the Air Force. Wolf wants to be part of the medical field.

“I wanted to join the Air Force because it will help pay for my college,” Wolf said.

Silbernagel is planning on joining the Army, but he still has to sign up with his recruiter to attend MEMPS. Silbernagel wishes to be part of the mechanical field and eventually wants to own a repair shop.

“I hope I do actually go overseas, I think it would just be interesting but I am not sure of I will even get sent over there,” Silbernagel said.

Without talking to the recruiters an individual may not know that each branch has different benefits to offer. From talking to the recruiters one may also figure out that they can be bias towards their branch.

“It is just a competitive thing to become a part of,” Silbernagel said.

For someone looking to join one of the many services available advice might be of some help weather that be from friends, family or the recruiters.

“I would recommend just talking to all of the recruiters,” Wolf said.

If joining the services sounds interesting all an individual may need to do is go and talk to a recruiter from the preferred branch. The recruiters are here once a month.