Saharah Chalupny and Adeola Ogbeide discuss the creation of their Youtube Channel and budding business, Bear and Boo tutorials
Q: When did you first get into makeup?
A: I first started doing my makeup in the 6th grade but it was horrible until halfway through junior year. Last March was when we really started getting into it.
S: I started with all of the basics and…before I knew it I was watching lots of different videos and trying lots of different things and it became a passion of mine.
Q: Where did the idea for the channel itself come about?
A: I feel like every teenager has, at some point [said] “Oh, I should start a youtube channel” and then one time we were…watching makeup tutorials and I was like “We should do that!”
S: We just sort of did it, it was very spontaneous!
Q:Have you been recieved well?
A: Oh, yeah!
S: It’s really weird!
A: Our entire community has positively responded to it. I’ve had teachers come up to me, and so many people say “good for you, keep going.”
Q: What advice can you give to anyone attempting to start their own youtube channel?
A: My advice is just to go for it.
S: One of the things that helped us was, when we had the idea to do it, we didn’t put it off. We instantly started getting prepared to do it. I’ve always wanted to start a youtube or channel or something but I never had the motivation.
A: And I think it also helps us to bounce off of each other.
S: Yeah, definitely helps, it’s really nice having one of one of your close friends do it with you because then you have no excuse to put something off because you have each other.
Q: Where did the idea for the name come from?
A: When [we] first became friends, I called her Saharah Bear…and later on, she called me Boo.
S: Bear and Boo tutorials just had a nice ring to it.

McCalee Cain is a senior and it is her third year on staff. She is the Editor-in-Chief.