If you’ve ever been to Sandpoint High school, you’ve probably seen our amazing front office lady Christy Williams; she works hard to keep kids and adults in our school happy and helps make the school day a little more bearable for all of us.
Whether she’s helping the students, answering parent’s phone calls, or coordinating school logistics, she’s the one making sure everything is going well. By 7:30 AM Christy is at her desk ready to smile at what the day brings. “A lot of my job is helping students figure things out their schedules, calls from parents, you name it,” she says. It’s a fast-paced job, but she makes it look easy. Even with the constant rush, Christy says the students make it all worth it. “I love seeing everyone every day!” No matter how busy it is, she always finds time to greet students with a smile. The office is always bustling, and Christy has to balance helping students, parents, and staff all at once. “It can get really busy,” she says. “Patience is key, and sometimes I just have to save things for the end of the day when it’s quieter.” Many people don’t realize just how much she has to do, along with her front office duties she also manages: sports schedules, transportation, and grade-related tasks.
Christy said that one of her really good memories in the office was when the performance choir surprised her with a song while she was in the office. “I was just doing my job, and suddenly they came in and started singing to me. It was such a great moment.” Before joining the school, Christy worked at Bonner General Hospital during COVID, but she realized that environment didn’t fit her wants. With her kid going into highschool it worked perfectly, she said “I always wanted to work at a school, and everything just fell into place,” Now, she’s an essential part of the school. When asked if she could change one thing, she’d love to have someone to just watch the front door and answer the phone so she could focus on everything else. And if she ever got the chance to redecorate, she’d go for brighter colors and modern updates to give the office a fresh, welcoming feel. She stops working around 3:00 or 4:00 PM, but her day isn’t over yet. She does her errands, and has dinner with her family, in addition to somehow fitting in a workout before heading to bed around 10:00 PM. Christy is more than just the front office receptionist, she’s the person helping to make sure students and teachers’ lives run smoothly every single day. She’s the key to helping organize schedules(aside from the counseling office), assisting students, working with the school logistics, she’s a big part of our school. We all owe a big thanks, because the school wouldn’t be the same without her!