You may have seen him on Instagram, outside of the school, or even had your haircut by him… Sandpoint’s newest barber, Blayne Kanning. Beginning with little to no experience and just a razor to trim his own hair, Blayne has been able to make some quick cash by giving his friends and peers haircuts. He explains, “…my first haircut started as a joke at summer camp and it actually turned out pretty decent, so when I came home I started persuading people to let me cut their hair for fun.”
As his haircuts began to gain traction, Blayne realized this was a great opportunity to make some cash. He says the average cost for a haircut is $10-$20 but adds, “My policy has always been whatever you feel like the haircut is worth to you, because I’m just getting started so the practice is worth it to me.” Blayne also expresses how he puts a lot of time and effort into the haircuts, though.
If you are interested in getting your cut by Blayne, you can schedule an appointment by DMing his Instagram, @faded.bk. He says he does his haircuts anywhere and everywhere and is available to do them most days during the week. Blayne also shared that his favorite cut is a burst or drop fade, which is a modern mullet.
He plans to do this through college to make some cash, so make sure you check out his work on Instagram or schedule an appointment to experience a haircut by Blayne yourself!
A New Barber On The Block
Blayne Kanning and his journey of giving haircuts.
Taylor Granier, Staff Writer
January 18, 2024
A before and after of Blayne’s work on Ty Eacret.
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About the Contributor

Taylor Granier, Staff Writer
Would you rather win the lottery or be famous?
I would rather win the lottery because I’d be rich without having to work as hard as say an actor or singer and I wouldn’t have to struggle with fame forever. But, I will also have the money to probably make myself famous if I chose to later in my life.
What’s your earliest memory?
My earliest memory is when I was on my way to Disneyland on my 4th birthday. I got a really bad earache on the plane and cried the whole time.
Would you rather dance or sing in front of a group of people?
I would rather sing in front of a group of people because it’s so obvious that I can’t do it well so it’s clearly comedic.